Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Nice Lady Giving Excellent Directions*

Tonight, I get to shoot a national commercial!! Yay!! It's for a video on demand service that's getting ready to launch. I'm not giving details, yet, but if I can find out when/where it'll air, I'll let you know.

It's a short spot, and I'll be appearing as myself, in my own clothes of my own choosing, which is awesome. I get to be comfortable, and get a little bit of exposure all at the same time. No complaints here. The thing is...I'm not a stylist. I'm also not rich and famous, so I don't have a stylist. I have one really artistic friend that I tease about becoming my stylist, but, frankly, she's way more talented than I could probably ever afford. So, to recap, I need something cool but casual to wear on national television, and have a limited budget and only one hour in the mall. Wait...wasn't that a television show?

In any case, I did what any self-respecting actress on a mission would do: I wandered blindly into the coolest store in the mall, and ambled around aimlessly, hoping something fabulous would jump into my arms. No such luck with that, but instead, I got something better.

Enter Jennifer, the wonder associate. She asked me what I was looking for ("something cool that won't make me look huge"), and within what felt like seconds, had three amazing outfits for me to try on. She even figured out my jean size just by looking at me, and I don't even know my jean size. Before too long, I was in a fantastic, layered look that was laid-back but sparkly enough to be dressy (and seriously, when have I ever turned down sparkle?). Jennifer even accessorized everything with a gorgeous belt, so it shows off my curves and waistline. I never could have come up with this outfit, and it's perfect. Jennifer, you are my hero.

So, without further ado, I give you my outfit, styled by Jennifer. All pieces are by Daytrip, and available at Buckle. I can't wait to add my fancy Guess shoes into the mix!

First, there's this unbelievably cool henley tank. It's a snake-skin print that's overlaid with tiny clear sequins, which gives it a real snake-skin effect. I have a feeling I'm going to be wearing this a lot. $25.

That gets layered underneath this beautiful and airy cream-colored slub knit tunic, inset with cream lace. The detailing at the neckline is a lot more detailed than you'd expect at this price point. The jewels are covered in silver and gold mesh, which tones down the shine for a subdued, but not matte, sparkle. $26.50

The belt is probably my favorite piece. It completely transforms the outfit from basic to bombshell. It's an ivory faux leather stretch belt, with glittering rhinestones inset in a brushed gold-tone belt buckle. It's over-the-top, but in a very good way. $14.95.

Everything's going over blue jeans, but I guess it doesn't really matter, since I'll only be shot from the waist up. The moral of today's story, kids, is don't be afraid to ask for help. Jennifer, and sales associates like her, know their stuff, and are ready and willing to help you find what you're looking for. They also deserve a little recognition from time to time. Jennifer, if you're reading this, thanks for being awesome.

*In case you're wondering about the title, my best friend's ridiculously cool daughter drew a picture for the refrigerator. It's titled, "Evil Lady Giving Wrong Directions". We have no idea.

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