It's getting an almost complete overhaul. Basically, the template's staying the same, but that's about it. I have new headshots, new press photos, new audio clips, new links--the works. I also thought that it would be a good idea to consolidate all my video clips into an actual demo reel. That way, you don't have to sit through all of Camp Hill's $75-budget goodness to see me (caution: spoilers--like y'all are ever going to watch this, anyway) pull a Scream Queen turn at the end.
This has actually been a fun little project, too. I had totally forgotten how cute SuperFriends turned out(really, y'all should watch this one. I actually chuckled through it), and I feel better about my acting in general since re-watching a lot of stuff. I've been going through a bit of a self-esteem slump (we've all been there), and this helped some.
Of course, the entire point of the reel is to show range, so it's going to be an interesting challenge to find the most disparate clips and somehow join them all together cohesively. I'll give it my best shot. I also noticed that I play characters with ponytails. A lot. Greaaat...
One guy, however, who will not have a difficult time pulling together at least some different looks, is this guy:
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Photo by SlashFilm |
Trying to figure out who this is? No, it's not Criss Angel. Nope, not a Jack Sparrow look-alike. It's this man:
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Photo by |
The top picture is the first look at Tennant's character, Peter Vincent, in the new Fright Night remake. Fright Night is one of my favorite 80s horror comedies, and once I heard he'd signed on for the remake, well, I've been practically stalking Fandango to get the first ticket. The original starred Roddy McDowell as a washed-up actor and tv horror host. Obviously, they're going a different route with Tennant, and while I have complete faith in him (his Hamlet was amazing), I'm just hoping the mustache, wig, and goatee all come off at some point.
Speaking of's time for today's trip to the magic bag o' samples!!! This morning, I grabbed Frederic Fekkai's Brilliant Glossing Shampoo. $23,
Normally, I use the Fekkai Technician Color Care collection, since I have color-treated hair ("Whaaa? Really?" Shocker, I know) and red is known to fade quickly, but I figured one wash would probably be okay, and I really wanted to see if it would make a difference when used with the Fekkai Brilliant Glossing Cream. I've used it a couple of times on its own, and had mixed feelings.
Ladies and Gentlemen, it does make a difference. A slight difference, but enough to notice. My hair isn't silicone shiny, but it does, indeed, reflect light. Also, the shampoo is color-safe, turns out, so my red is still red. My hair was very soft as I blow-dried it, but I've since had to put in hairspray, so the softness is now kaput. The shine is still there, though. My only gripes are that the products smell a little like perm solution and did not do anything to fight frizzies, hence the need to curl my hair and use the hairspray. All in all, I think I'm going to stick with my Color Care collection, but might pick up the trial sizes of the Glossing to keep for special events, performances, or anytime I'm going to be in the spotlight. All products (shampoo, conditioner, and cream) are available for $9 each at Just look under "Beauty Minis".
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