Monday, July 11, 2011

I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends

I'm heading to Disney this weekend! This, of course, means that this week will be consumed by packing, planning, and plotting--and a lot of blog-watching. So, today, I thought I'd share a few of my favorite online places for tips, tricks, and gossip. (That, and I'm trying desperately to figure out blogger since they changed it on me...again. Please bear with me.)

For Park News and General Updates, and Overall Best Research Blog: Chip & Co.
This is a fantastic site for the latest on all things Disney. Florida, California, TV, DVD...whatever. If it is in any way involved with The Mouse, it's here. The site is constantly updated, and many posts include video for that "almost in the park" feel. Money- and time-saving advice, along with guides that tackle topics from traveling with tots through attractions for seniors.

*Runner-Up: The Disney Parks Blog
It's, again, a great stop for general information, and very user friendly. It's just, understandably, a little biased, and not so quick to help you save any money.

For Making Home In One Piece and Not Completely Broke: Surviving Disney
Really fun to read blog with great tips for handling the heat, the kids, the lines, and the cost. There are a ton of guest posts, too--including some from *gasp* Disney Cast Members!!--that give the site a community vibe; like we're all in this together.

*Runner-Up: Couponing To Disney
Technically, this is the superior blog. It's extremely well-written, informative, filled with tricks and tips, freebies, and money-saving advice. It's also constantly updated, and the author's Facebook skills are second to none. The only reason it's the runner-up is that you have to wade through posts on couponing. Yes, that's the entire point of that blog, and handled exceptionally well, but if that's not your bag (and it's not mine), you have to dig, somewhat, for all that Disney gold. Fabulous blog, though. I highly recommend it, and urge you to follow on Facebook.

Best Specialty Blog: Studios Central
Whether you can't get enough of Hollywood Studios, or think you've seen all there is to see, this blog will cure what ails you. Pages upon pages of articles, pictures, and updates will show you how the park has changed over the years, the inspirations for every tiny detail (and believe me, there's stuff you'd never have dreamed of!), and where the future of the park is headed. Beware--this site will suck you in, and you can easily lose a day drifting through the archives.

For a Quick Giggle: Disco Yeti
The tag line for this site is: "The Rants and Raves of a Broken-Down Theme Park Yeti. Yes, Really." A couple of years ago, the state-of-the-art yeti animatronic on Expedition: Everest in Disney's Animal Kingdom, for lack of a better term, broke. It stopped working in a most unfortunate position, that has left it frozen in an permanent Saturday Night Fever pose. To add insult to injury, a strobe light was added to create the illusion of movement. Poor Disco Yeti. To pass the time, the yeti keeps an insider blog of the shenanigans and goings-on in all of the parks. It's a riot.

Happy Time Wasting!

1 comment:

  1. Today i watch the maney blog but that blog is too good and so healpfull for every one. That realy nice all the comment and blog.

    Thanks to you....


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