Photo Credit: SK Packaging
The Plastic Version of What Betty Wants |
Adorable Napalm reader and old chum, Betty, sent me a Facebook message the other day, asking for help in finding some tumblers for her kitchen. I can't put the exact message on here, as Facebook seems to have eaten half of it, but, basically, she's looking for white porcelain tumblers that resemble disposable plastic party cups. She's been all over town and the internet, and came close with a little store called
Stockhome. Of course, it's in Sweden. The website is in Swedish (which makes for fun browsing, I must say), and while the products are
adorable, it doesn't matter a bit because you can't order from the site. I don't think. I don't speak a word of Swedish, so I could be wrong, but I couldn't click on anything to place an order.
Photo Credit: Langton Info Services
The Closest I've Found |
I have been tearing my hair out. The closest I have been able to come are these
Spirella Max Light Tumblers. They're lightweight porcelain, and fairly close to the look she's going for, I think. They run $6.95 each, and come from England.
Have any of you guys seen anything that might help out Betty? I think what she wants sounds darling, and would be a really stylish alternative to both coffee mugs and juice glasses. I wouldn't mind having a set myself. If you've seen these somewhere, please let us know in the comments. It'd be much appreciated.
Pretty maddening how crazy it is to find these cups… isn’t it? Thanks for all of your help… we will find them! We will be victorious! We will not be defeated! We will not… well, you get the picture. :)