Monday, October 10, 2011

Halloween Costumes the MacGyver Way!

Let's face it, for some of us, putting the costume together is half the fun of Halloween. Sure, store-bought costumes are convenient, but--at least for this girl who grew up in homemade outfits--they kind of feel like cheating. Today, I thought I'd throw out some fairly cheap and easy (no, not like that!) suggestions for DIY costumes. If you have any you'd like to share, I've got a comments section for just that reason. One more thing: while I have some stores linked, most of the recommended clothing bits could easily come from a thrift store. Happy Haunting!
Most Popular:
You'll Need:
Nice Dress--blue, if you've got one
Tiara or Fascinator--I found a beautiful one at Target for at eight bucks (can't find link, but here's a photo), but here's an easy tutorial for the DIY-inclined.
Long Brown Wig (unless you have long brown hair)
Engagement Ring--this one's not exact, but it's close and it's cheap
Here's your chance to be a princess, minus the discomfort of an old thrift store prom dress! Not a Kate look-alike? No problem! Either don a wig, or carry around an envelope with a fancy seal and go as a wedding guest.
For the Couple:
Food Network Challenge
You'll Need:
Chef's Uniform--here's a discount place with phenomenal pricing. You can find tops and bottoms in the ten dollar range. If you want, try printing the FNC logo onto iron-on paper and embellishing your uniform.
Flair--bandannas, leis, crazy hair accessories, funky makeup, etc. Whatever you want! I saw a couple of ladies wearing tutus on one baking challenge. Kid you not.
A Partner with a good sense of humor
This is a fun, silly take on the couple's costume. For a little something extra, dust yourselves with baby powder "flour" and makeup "icing".
For the Procrastinator:
Muppet Performer
You'll Need:
Muppet handpuppet, or just carry around an old Tickle Me Elmo.
Normal clothes, or go all out and wear a black tee with jeans. Yeah, this one's really complicated...
You totally forgot you had a party tonight, or your kids are insistent that you not dress up as a parent for the third year in a row.
For Laughs:
Flo, the Progressive Lady
You'll Need:
White Polo and Slacks or Scrub Pants
White Apron--online shops start around $2, but shipping's crazy. Check a local restaurant supply store.
Iron-On Paper (for the Progressive logo)
Converse (or knock-off) Shoes
Name Tag--try these from Staples. The color is close, and they run about four bucks.
Blue Head Band
Black Eyeliner and Red Lipstick
Short Brown Wig (or your own hair)
This one requires a little preparation, but shouldn't be too expensive or time-consuming. Honestly, back-combing the bouffant should be the most effort involved. Also, this may be the most comfortable costume of the bunch.
The Classic:
The Walking Dead
You'll Need:
Ripped Thrift Store Clothes
Fake Blood (homemade or store-bought)
Makeup and/or Prosthetics from the local Halloween shop
This one can be as simple or as complicated as you want. My advice: decide what your zombie did in life to get your base costume (Doctor? Lawyer? Clown?), then figure out how they *ahem* became a zombie. That'll tell you what kind of costume destruction (rips, tears, missing pieces, etc.) and how much makeup you'll need. After that, you just have to practice shambling and calling for braaaaaiiiinsss!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tips! I'll try to visit a Halloween costume store and check whether they have these costume readily available. In case they do not, I guess I'll try to make the costume myself.


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